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Hey there.  I know how hard it can be to make some time for you with such busy lives. By being here, it means you are interested in taking a step to make much needed time for you. You are a busy mama, a busy full time working parent, a busy business owner, a busy carer. You are busy working at home or in you job, or both and are taking care of everyone or everything else.  Every day seems like all you do is work on your to do list, and life is just happening to you.


I know how this feels.  I am a full time executive, ballet mum, and wife, who works long hours.  It can be too easy for life just to become about working, paying bills and doing chores. 


When I was in my mid to late thirties, I knew that something was missing from my life.   My whole identity and daily experience was about who I was to everyone else and what I had on my to do list.  Can you relate to that? Something was missing from my life, and that something missing was ME.


So what did I do?

I finally decided to seek help from a mentor/coach.  I found a new tribe of inspirational people who were interested in growing and developing, who were each other’s biggest cheer squad. I attended personal development training, researched and read, and listened to podcasts.


So what happened to me?

Now at 43, I still have to do all the 'adult' things but life is now about what experiences I want, and how I want to make an impact on others. I don’t stress about the perfect home after working 40 plus hours a week.  I have stopped worrying about trying to climb the corporate ladder and be a model housewife and perfect mother.  


But I do I have quality time with my family. I started taking singing lessons at 35, and now can proudly say in my early forties I have written and performed original music. I volunteer in my community.  I realised it was never to late to rediscover yourself, change, improve or try something new.  I became a certified coach and mentor others so I could help others do the same.  


Is life just happening to you?

Does every day seems like all you do is work on your to list, and life is just happening to you? Have you reached a point in your life where you want to pursue passions or hobbies you never got around to?  Do you want to start a new career or find something different to do?  Heck like I used to be - have you some how lost your way and want to connect to the real you?



Bullet Journal

Do you want to create clarity?

No matter what your current circumstances and responsibilities are right now, my Creating Clarity Master Class will help you find focus, energy and purpose. Focus, energy and purpose so you don’t just let life happen to you, so you can drive your own life experiences.  


If you need clarity to understand what you want to experience in life, are still figuring out where you want to head or want to know what will re-ignite the fire in your soul - then THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU. 

If you are soooooo busy giving so much to others and NEVER MAKE TIME for you - then THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU.


I know how hard it is to get off life's merry go round, and make time for you.  You don't have to go through the trial and error that I went to through to rediscover myself, whilst trying to do it all!  


I have developed this self paced master class to fit into the small pockets of your time. Whether you only have 15 minutes a day or 15 minutes a week - you can still make time so you can find focus, energy and purpose.

Who this isn't for......

Yep, let's be real.  This won't be for everyone.  

  • If you already have a clear identify and aligned goals and actions - this is not for you.

  • If you are not going to actually take action - this is not for you.

  • If you do not believe you are worth making time for, then this course is not for you. One on one mindset coaching with me, might be a better fit (reach out to me at


However - if you have made the decision that it is time to refocus on yourself; so you can drive your own life experiences and STOP letting life happen to you; then scroll on down to register now.

How you'll get there

Introduction Module: 2 min 14 sec

An understanding of what outcomes you will achieve from this course and how you are going to achieve them.


Find Your Focus Module: 10 min 38 sec

  • 4 key focus areas to focus on and the actions you need to improve or grow in those areas

  • A one page personal change plan to help you identify what to change or keep doing to support your growth and improvement


Engage Your Energy Module: 5 minutes 

  • Who energises you

  • What energises you

  • Tips to address energy


Visit Your Values Module: 5min 39 sec

A descriptive list of values and a deep understanding about what these looks like in reality.


Define Your Purpose Module: 6 min 31 sec

A clear documented purpose statement aligned with your values.


Living With Purpose and Intention Module: 10 min 27 sec

  • Vision for the future

  • Daily actions to help you live with purpose and intention

  • Bonus daily plan to help you plan and track progress

Time To Get Started

It's time.........

You are still here.  That definitely tells me you have made a decision that it is time to refocus on yourself; so you can drive your own life experiences and make an impact.  


I know you want focus, energy and purpose so you don’t just let life happen to you. 


You  have made the decision; now it’s time to turn decision into action.


Complete your registration details below to get started.

Register for the master class

Thanks for registering for this class. Payment and class information will be received soon.

Your Investment In You

$39 USD


Create clarity to find focus, energy and purpose!

How You Will Achieve this?

  • Video trainings

  • Conducting quick and easy self development exercises

  • Developing personal change plan and daily action plan

  • Tracking and monitoring progress via the FaceBook group units

  • Support from your tribe and coach (me).


What You'll Get

  • Work Book

  • Self paced learning videos

  • Private Facebook Group Coaching Community

  • Bonus live coaching/training in the FaceBook group.

  • Lifetime access to all materials.

​What next?

  1. Fill out registration  - after clicking apply you will see the following message: “Thanks for registering for this class. Payment and class information will be received soon.”

  2. You will receive a creating clarity registration email.  In the email you will receive a link to the paypal me link and instructions about how to pay and create a login into the members only site (your application to the members site will be pending approval).

  3. You will receive access to the master class site within 24 hrs of PayPal receiving your payment.

  4. Once your PayPal payment is received (this could be 24-72 hours depending on your institution), you will receive an email confirming that your access to the course member site is active.

  5. Login - and get started!


Don't worry you are not alone, you can catch me via the Creating Clarity Facebook Group

The terms...

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